For students in 6th-12th grade, our mission is to bring glory to God by reaching the world, gathering with the saints, and growing in the Word. We carry this out by creating atmospheres where students are known, loved, and built up by caring adult leaders. These atmospheres consist of events, retreats, weekly meetings, service opportunities, and incorporation to the overall mission of the church
For students in 6th-12th grade, our mission is to bring glory to God by reaching the world, gathering with the saints, and growing in the Word. We carry this out by creating atmospheres where students are known, loved, and built up by caring adult leaders. These atmospheres consist of events, retreats, weekly meetings, service opportunities, and incorporation to the overall mission of the church
Growth Community
6th-12th Grade | Every Sunday | 6p-8p
All students 6th-12th grade are invited to join us on Sunday evening for Growth Community! Burton students will meet in Burton, travel to our Grand Blanc location to have Growth Community together and then return to Burton for pick-up. The evening consists of us eating together, building friendships with other students, and a time for us to grow in our walk with Jesus.

Ryan Story | rstory@theriverchurch.cc
Growth Community
6th-12th Grade | Every Wednesday | 6:30p-8p
Student Growth Community is a designated time for students 6th-12th grade to grow deeper in God’s Word and relationship with Him. We’ll develop relationships with other students and leaders as we discuss different topics and stories in God’s Word.

Justin Dean| jdean@theriverchurch.cc
Growth Community
6th-12th Grade | Every Sunday 6p-8p
Sunday evening Growth Community is a time for students 6th-12th grade to grow deeper in God’s Word and relationship with Him, all while hanging out with students their age! This is a safe, welcoming atmosphere where students are able to have honest discussion with their peers and leaders regarding the realities of life and what it looks like to follow Jesus.

Keaton Washburn | kwashburn@theriverchurch.cc
Growth Community
6th-12th Grade | Every Sunday 6p-8p
Our Student Growth Community is a designated time for students 6th-12th grade to grow deeper in God’s Word and relationship with Him. We’ll develop relationships with other students and leaders as we discuss different topics and stories in God’s Word.
Student Leadership
6th-12th Grade
Student Leadership is a place for those looking to take the next step in their walk with Christ. We will dive deeper into the Word and be challenged to learn how to lead like Jesus. Email Kyle for location and meeting times.

Kyle Wendel | kwendel@theriverchurch.cc
Growth Community
6th-8th Grade | Every Wednesday 6:30p-8p
9th-12th Grade | Every Sunday 6p-8p
Growth Community is a designated time for students 6th-12th grade to grow deeper in God’s Word and relationship with Him. We’ll develop relationships with other students and leaders as we discuss different topics and stories in God’s Word.
Student Leadership
6th-12th Grade | Every Sunday | 9a-10a
Student Leadership is a place for those looking to take the next step in their walk with Christ. We will dive deeper into the Word and be challenged to learn how to lead like Jesus.
Ferdinand Sanders | fsanders@theriverchurch.cc

Growth Community
6th-12th Grade | Every Sunday | 6p-8p
Sunday Growth Community is a time for students 6th-12th grade to grow deeper in God’s Word and relationship with Him, all while hanging out with students their age! Students are able to have honest discussion with their peers and leaders regarding the realities of life and what it looks like to follow Jesus.

Elijah Edwards | eedwards@theriverchurch.cc
Growth Community
6th-12th Grade | Every Sunday | 6p-8p
Growth Community is a time for students 6th-12th grade to grow deeper in God’s Word and relationship with Him, all while hanging out with students their age! Students are able to have honest discussion with their peers and leaders regarding the realities of life and what it looks like to follow Jesus.

Patrick Bicknell | pbicknell@theriverchurch.cc