Goal: $20,000
The goal for our Burton location is to upgrade our flooring and lighting in the auditorium. We are looking forward to taking this next step in creating a welcoming place for our community to come and worship together.

Goal: $15,000 - Air Conditioning
It is time to upgrade and install air conditioning throughout the building. We want our facilities to be a welcoming space for our communities to come worship and hear the gospel. Removing distractions, like the heat from our Michigan summers, help focus us on reaching, gathering and growing together. We encourage you to give above and beyond your regular giving, and remember, the power of a small donation can go a long way!

Goal: $12,000 - Lobby Update
As we continue to grow, expanding and updating our facility is important. Our Power of 3 project for 2022 is a lobby update! We strive to provide a welcoming place for guests and attendees as we gather together to worship and preach the gospel.

Goal: $500,000 - Parking Lot
We have been blessed with a wonderful space and opportunity to love and care for our community. Our Power of 3 project includes fixing our parking lot!

Grand Blanc
Goal: $70,000 - Parking Lot
As we continue to grow, updating and expanding our resources is essential in continuing to reach our community. Our Power of 3 project for 2022 includes a milling parking lot expansion!

Goal: $220,000 - Main Entrance
The Lord has blessed us with an incredible space to love and care for our community. As the ministry continues to grow, we want to continue updating our facilities to reflect these changes and clearly identify the entrance. Our Power of 3 project is to add and update our main and family entrance.

Lake Orion
Goal: $100,000 - Renovation Extras
We are so excited about all of the updates and changes happening around here! Our Power of 3 project for 2022 is finalizing our renovation!

Goal: $75,000 - River Kids Area
We are excited to continue updating our building and creating a welcoming and friendly place for the gospel to be shared! Our Power of 3 project for 2022 is to fully renovate our River Kids area! We want to create a greater space for kids that is both fun and functional as they gather throughout the week.